Tag Archives: alternative

Is you’re body functioning well and thriving, or is it secretly building disease? Here’s how to find out.

I can only imagine how terrifying it is to wake up one morning and discover a tumor. The feeling is probably only second to hearing the news from the doctor that your suspicions were correct, and that there is cancer actively growing in your body. Of course, for many people, the questions start flooding in: “I am young and healthy, how could I possibly have cancer?”, “I am a very active person, I’m at an ideal weight, and I don’t smoke.. this is impossible!”. Or, maybe you haven’t manifested any serious diseases up to this point in your life, so you just shrug off the overall question of health and assume everything is alright. This is really how it goes for the vast majority of people regarding their understanding of health. Health is thought to be based on the absence (or perceived absence) of a serious disease. For most people, as long as you’re not terribly overweight, don’t smoke, and know how to lift a dumbbell, you’re golden.

The truth is, the newly discovered cancer didn’t manifest in your body because of a lack of chemotherapy, or a lack of drugs or certain vaccinations. It did not just appear one day either. the visible symptoms were the result of a degenerative process going on in the body for, very likely, a good amount of time, stemming from things like consistent exposure to toxic substances (in your food and/or in your environment), multiple deficiencies, and a dysfunctional state of the immune system.

In reality there are many components to good health. Not that gaining and maintaining health is complex, it really isn’t. But there are some factors that are of  higher priority. You can start off by considering your eating habits. What you eat deals directly with your biochemistry and whether or not you are giving your body the raw materials it needs to carry out it’s vital functions. Both the quality of the food and the kind of food you are eating matters when considering your diet. Another important consideration is exercise. Are you a couch potato, literally a human dumbbell, or something in between? To take this all a step further, you could even ask yourself what’s the relative level of exposure you receive from harmful EMFs (electromagnetic fields) coming from computers, cellphones, and other electronic devices. Now, we all know that if we want to be healthy, we have to eat right and exercise. That should be of no surprise to anybody. But there is something else that is considered to be one of the most important factors that can indicate whether you are on your way to health, or disease and sickness.

How is your nervous system functioning? Not a question most people entertain when contemplating the relative condition of their overall heath. Yet, did you know that it is one of the most vital considerations you could possibly make in judging how things are going inside? Why does it matter? Well, your nervous system is the way in which all of the organ systems, tissues, and cells of your body are able to communicate. Ultimately, the brain (central nervous system, along with the spinal cord) is the command and control center of this massive network, and it sends impulses out through the peripheral nerves of the body to control, regulate, and maintain balance throughout our entire frame. The nervous system flat out controls the body. No nervous system, no function.

Imagine going out into the heat of a vicious battle with only a short sword that has a dull blade? How do you think you’d fair in making it through unharmed? This is exactly what happens everyday, when our bodies go through the multifarious traumas and exposures to toxins with the organ systems of the body already at a great disadvantage because of interference in their nerve supply.

How can you check for nervous system interference? There is actually a brand of healthcare out there specifically devoted to this concern. This is a job for the chiropractor. Wait.. the back..cracking guys? Yeah, did you know that the matter of a healthy nervous system is actually the primary concern of the chiropractor? The only reason they “crack your back” is to realign your spine to relieve the compression it’s putting (when it’s out of place) on the spinal cord (part of your central nervous system). By putting the bones of your spine back into the position they’re supposed to maintain in the body, the nervous system is able to function without the interference that it had messing with it’s game before, when the misaligned spine was compressing and impinging it.

Then, this is really where the magic happens. You see, our bodies are quite remarkable. They are intelligent, borne out in the fact that they are self regulatory, self healing, and adaptable. Every system in the body on every level of organization, works together for the greater good of the entire organism, to establish homeostasis (the ability of the body to adapt to it’s external environment, and achieve balance in the internal environment). Even though this is common knowledge in medical science, western medicine’s approach to the healing arts is often carried out in total abandonment of this concept. The common ideology is that the body isn’t intelligent, it’s dumb. It can’t take care of itself, we’ve got to pump it full of vaccines to protect it from microscopic invaders because it’s ability to adapt is pathetic at best. If something is going wrong in the body, it’s because the body has shown us it’s too weak to handle things on it’s own, so we gotta go in and force things to happen. This is not healthcare.

What the body needs is freedom. Freedom to do what it does best – adapt and thrive. When I cut myself, if I’m wise, I’ll put a bandage on the cut. I don’t put a bandage on the cut because the bandage will heal the cut. No, my body will heal the cut. All I’m doing is facilitating the body’s natural process of healing by keeping the wound clean, and supporting it while it does it’s job. You’ll find, that when this is your approach to taking care of your body – giving it what you know it needs, and listening to it when it speaks to you, you’re on your way to avoiding the myriads of diseases that plague this very sick nation. But to ensure that we’re sending our bodies out to battle with more than a balloon sword, we must not forget that it’s absolutely critical that we keep our nervous systems interference free. See a chiropractor regularly, to make sure your spine is in check, and your nervous system is able to effectively run the show inside. HOLLERRRRRR!!

The Biomechanic

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nat philosopher's blog

Young. Female. Cancer.

I have no filter. Welcome to my brain.

Dr. Sara Mays, D.C.

Dr. Mays is a chiropractor practicing in Beaverton, OR

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